Download your free copy! Donate if you wish.
Compositor will continue to be maintained as time permits.
For Intel Macintosh (10.6 and higher), a free full function program!
Download Compositor v3.4.0 for OS X 10.6 or newer (dmg)
Download Compositor v3.4.0 for OS X 10.6 or newer (zip)
System Requirements for INTEL v3.x.x: Intel Macintosh running OS X 10.6 or higher, monitor with 1024 x 768 or better, millions of colors
For DMG:
Unzip, then double click DMG file to mount.
Agree to the license, then once mounted, copy to Desktop or Appllications folder within install window.
For ZIP:
Simply double click the ZIP (Downloads folder, or other, if you chose to download elsewhere) then you will find the application within Compositor folder.
Release Notes for these and earlier versions
For Older PowerPC Macs:
Download PPC Compositor v2.16 for OS X 10.6.8 or Older (PPC version will remain at v2.16 feature set)
System Requirements for PPC v2.x.x: PPC Macintosh running OS X 10.2 or higher, monitor with 1024 x 768 or better, millions of colors. If running PPC Compositor on an Intel Macintosh, the PPC version requires Rosetta to be installed (thus it will not work on Lion, as Rosetta is no longer available there)